Could you imagine me having one?
Me neither.
However, much to my surprise and I'm sure to yours as well, I've got one.
I never really thought about that, or even used the words in a sentence before. I mean, I've heard the saying, I just never made the connection or thought that it applied to me. Last night though, at dinner, an old man came in to the restaurant and was sat in a booth right next to us... and he was alone. I looked at my mom and she just sighed and asked "Do you want to go and sit with him?" I almost did. My cousin was surprised that I cared, and that's how the whole conversation of 'bleeding hearts' came about.
Ever since I was a little kid I've felt bad for homeless people, people with disabilities, and the majority of old people I see alone.
(All I have to do is look at my mom and she knows exactly what's about to happen. For some reason I just get really upset. And if she sees them before I do, she either tells me not to look, or distracts me.)
I have no idea. Whenever I see homeless people I feel compelled to feed them. I've stopped in the middle of traffic on a busy highway to give a homeless man McDonalds before. I even made my friend give a homeless man five dollars in the bronx a month ago because I didn't have my wallet on me. When I was younger I joined the YMCA and helped out with the Special Olympics-and when I have time now, I still volunteer. I know these things aren't my problem, but I feel like I have to help them because if I don't, who will?
Clearly, I'm in the wrong profession. I should be doing social work, or running a homeless shelter or something. But where do I start?
I'm not sure just yet, but watch out world.
"There is a kind of elevation which does not depend on fortune; it is a certain air which distinguishes us, and seems to destine us for great things; it is a price which we imperceptibly set upon ourselves." - Francois De La Rochefoucauld