Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes

Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes, but I'll work it out...

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Throw Back, Circa 2008

When you start writing something, you usually have a purpose. You have the pen in your hand, the paper ready, and your mind going over words you've been putting together in your head for… who knows how long. Then, you stare at the paper and forget everything you had worked so hard on earlier and draw a blank. I hate that.

Anyway, I've been bothered by some things recently. Like when I'm driving and the asshole in front of me isn't even doing the speed limit. I almost had an aneurism in the car and killed a family of five in a minivan.

And excuse me, but I'm not about to beg you to let me help you. I offered more then once, and you said no, and that was it. Now you're coming around all boo-hooing and having a pity party and I'm over it. You should get over it too, fyi.

Other then that, I'm tired of people in general. And this turned into rambling.

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