Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes

Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes, but I'll work it out...

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Throw Back, Circa 2008

I do not care what you have to say about my life.
Nor do I care what you think about it.

With that said, I'll continue on to the more important stuff.

If you are not in, or haven't been in my current situation, do not comment on it.
If I don't tell you about it, it's because I don't want you to know.
It's also none of your business, so stop trying to get information out of me.
I'm locked up like Fort Knox.

My favorite thing is when someone starts out a sentence with "In my opinion..."

Well, let me stop you right there. I don't really care what you think, and you're probably wrong.

I also find it funny that you could even HAVE an opinion considering you've never been in a situation CLOSE to what I'm going through. And stop comparing your life to mine. You have NO idea what I've been through, what I'm going through, OR what I have to deal with.

I don't understand why people don't understand why I hate so much.
People are inconsiderate. They're judgmental, rude, conceited, cocky, arrogant.
People are ugly.

I realized this today.
I'm not going to sit here and say I've never made fun of someone. I have, who hasn't? But I've never been cruel. I've never intentionally made fun of someone in hopes of hurting their feelings.
Honestly, I cry when I see a homeless person, or a handicapped person because I just feel terrible.

Anyway, getting to the point, I don't need that, or people like that in my life. I'm living for me now and all I want is to be happy. I don't need anything or anyone bringing me down because it's my time to shine ;)

It's a new beginning.
I'm not going to mess it up this time.

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