Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes

Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes, but I'll work it out...

Thursday, December 17, 2009


(June 1, 2009)

Today was thoroughly annoying.

I'm sick, still. I started getting sick the day after Boardy Barn, which was the 24th. Apparently, alcohol did not kill whatever germ I had in my system because we all know I drank enough that day. First, the doctor told me it was allergies and to take some nasal spray that made me gag when it dripped down the back of my throat. That was Tuesday. On Thursday she decided, after I begged, to give me a Z-pack (azithromycin). Over the weekend I went deaf in one ear and developed a horrible earache. Today I went into work again and told the other doctor I needed something stronger. He took a look in my ear and told me I had a terrible ear infection. No kidding.

At work we're one person short because someone quit. That means there's just me, Pat, and Diane. Pat only knows the front desk so she can't cover for me. I can do the front desk, but like I said no one can cover my desk. Diane is the office manager and thought it would be a good idea to go to Florida the first week we're short staffed, and the first week the doctor is back in the office from his vacation. She gets to go on a vacation and Pat and I get to work 6 days a week?

There's a drug addict that keeps bothering us at the office. He came in as a new patient last week complaining of back pain. The doctor gave him pain meds, which she shouldn't have done since he was a new patient, but whatever. Today I got a call from a doctors office down the street where he was trying to get more pain medicine. I told him we just gave him a script and they sent him packing. What does he do? He came back to our office with some lame story about how his luggage got stolen and his meds were in there. He lied right to our faces. I told him there was nothing I could do for him because the doctor in our office who initially saw him wasn't in, so we get to deal with that in the morning. Awesome.

The only good part of the day was when the doctor pulled me aside and told me I was part of the team, he thought I was funny, he liked working with me, and I'm getting a raise.

Not five seconds later I walked into the wall because my equilibrium is off due to this wonderful ear infection.

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