Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes

Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes, but I'll work it out...

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Throw Back, Circa 2008

I can't sleep so, why not write something down?

Part of the reason I can't sleep is because I've got a lot on my mind lately. My life's about to change dramastically (I had to do it, I had to). I've been having a lot of heart issues again out of nowhere too so, that sucks. Schools getting annoying and boring and I don't even have the motivation to finish even though there's like... what? Two weeks left? I need more stimulation.

I feel pretty blah lately, numb almost. I haven't really wanted to do anything. I've been trying to block recent events out of my mind but that's proving to be more difficult then I thought it would be. On the brighter side, I'm a lot stronger then I thought I was, which is always a plus.

And again, I realized who my real friends are <3
It sucks that it takes something really bad to happen for you to really realize that, but at the same time, it's good to know the same people keep sticking around.

I Love You Guys, too the moon.

Other then that... I still don't know what I want to be when I grow up and it makes me nervous. Growing up makes me nervous by itself. I've been writing a lot. Stories, poems, songs. Maybe that will turn into something. I've got to get another acoustic and put some music to the songs... hopefully that will keep me busy and help me keep my mind off things.

I'll end this with one of my favorite quotes <3
From the very, very wise words of Ian,
"Life is shit, eventually someone comes around to clean it up."

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