Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes

Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes, but I'll work it out...

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Throw Back, Circa 2008
What matters in life?

I was thinking about it earlier, and I've come to a conclusion.

The only thing in life that matters is being happy, doing things that make you happy, and being around people who make you happy.

If you hate your job (like all the people at the Selden Post Office) then quit and get a new one. Do something you love. Get a job, or work for a career that won't give you a permanent bitch face, or make you hate your life at the end of the day, or cause other people to just not want to be around you. Having a job you hate will only age you faster and no one wants wrinkles or crows feet at 25.

If you hate the person you're with, or if they don't treat you how you deserve to be treated, or they don't respect you then get out of that relationship. No one is worth the pain they can cause. And if someone is causing you pain then there's no reason to hang around and let them continue to bleed you dry.
Whoever you are you deserve to be happy and deserve to be loved the way you want to be loved.
Don't ever lower your standards to fit the schedule or needs of another person.

Too many people I love and care about have done that and just given up their own happiness to please someone else. It's not worth it because twenty years from now when you're older and living in a house with three children and a spouse you want to kill every time you pass each other in the hallway, you're going to regret not getting out when you could have. People can change but more often then not they don't so if you have a bad relationship... and it doesn't get any better after a talk and some time... it's too late because that person already sees they can do what they want and walk all over you and you wont leave... so why should they change?

Time is precious. It gives meaning to life. Don't let it slip away because that's the number one regret in everyones life.

Anyway, like I said, being happy is the only thing in life that matters and you are the only person who can control your own.

Yours Truly,

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