Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes

Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes, but I'll work it out...

Thursday, December 17, 2009


(May 26, 2009)

What's the worst feeling in the world?

Well, that depends on who you ask. One person will tell you that it's failure. One person will tell you that it's betrayal. And someone else will tell you it's striking out on the last pitch in the bottom of the ninth to lose the series. If you ask me, it's being lied to.
When you're lied to it makes you feel terrible. It makes you feel like you weren't worth the truth or like someone didn't care enough to bother cluing you in. At the same time, people lie to stop your feelings from being hurt, or to protect you. And in some cases, there was no lie, just a misunderstanding.

You learn things every day.
Here are a few things I've learned to live by:
You start dying the minute you're born. It's one thing after another and it's non-stop from the minute you're born until the day you stop breathing. And if you blink, you'll miss something. Life is too short to hold on to grudges or to not talk to someone because of some petty argument you got into. Misinterpretations and miscalculations happen all the time. Shit happens, you clean it up and you move on with life one step at a time. People come and go, but the ones that matter have a way of sticking around, or showing up when you need them the most. If people walk out on you, their loss. Life is a revolving door. Just wait a few minutes and someone will walk in to take their place. Distance is the worst thing in the world, but laughter is the shortest distance between two people. You have to keep your heart open, or else it will shrivel up and forget how to love. I've also learned that the one person you thought would have your back forever will still break your heart, be it by accident or on purpose. Take it in stride and don't jump to conclusions. There may be an explanation, give it a chance.

"Sticks and stones will break some bones, but words will crush the soul."

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