Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes

Dark clouds may hang on me sometimes, but I'll work it out...

Thursday, December 17, 2009


Throw Back, Circa 2007


They never change. They can tell you they will, and they can tell you whatever you want to hear, but they never truly change. Well, I shouldn't say never. Some people change. They reform themselves and then become suffocating with their new life style and try to shove it down your throat until you choke on it.

But mostly, they don't. You want them to. You really hope they will and you root for them whole-heartedly. After a month or two, things are looking good. Then they revert back to being the same disappointing person they were in the first place and you wonder why you ever even wasted time on them.

I don't understand it. I'm tired of watching people I care about get hurt because 'He said he was going to change.' Or 'She promised me she would get better.'
They said that because that's what you wanted to hear and they wanted to pacify you so they could get on with their miserable life, disregarding your feelings, to have a good time.

If they really cared about you, and really loved you like they claimed, then you wouldn't have to ask them to change. They would want to change. They would want to be a better person for fear of losing you because you mattered that much to them.

If someone is unwilling to change for you, to be a better person for you and for themselves, then they're not worth it.

Now I'm not saying you should go out and change someone because you don't like their shoes or religion. You can't just go out changing people to make them easier to like so don't get on my case about how you shouldn't have to change someone blah blah blah freedom blah blah you're unfair. That's not what I meant at all, and if you don't get what I mean then, well, I'm sorry. I'm very busy and don't have time to break it down for you.

Love Always,

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